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Patriots’ Week Schedule Saturday, December 31, 2011

December 31, 2011

7am Additional Crossing of the Delaware    An  additional Crossing of the Delaware will be staged at 7 AM and a March to  Trenton along parts of the original routes will be conducted by 100 authentic  Revolutionary War re-enactors who will then participate in the re-enactment of  the battle. Public is invited to join in with the marchers for all or parts of  the march, or line the route and cheer them on. March will be approximately 9  miles- Route 586 East to Bear tavern Rd., South on Bear Tavern Road to West  Trenton, then down Parkway Ave. to Pennington Ave. culminating at the Trenton  Battle Monument in time for the re-enactment of the 1st Battle of  Trenton at 11 AM. For more information go to:

9am Patriots 5k Run: Begins at the Old Barracks Museum 101  Barrack St.   Run in the spirit of George Washington and the Continental Army to  commemorate the 235th Anniversary of the Battles of Trenton! Destination Trenton and the Patriots’  Week Committee proudly present the inaugural Patriots’ 5K Run. The course is  through the streets of historic downtown Trenton  where the Continental Army clashed with Hessian troops.

The run begins and ends at the Old   Barracks Museum  where runners will be surrounded by soldiers preparing for the Battle of  Trenton reenactment. After the run, runners and their families are invited to  watch the Battle of Trenton which begins at 11:00 AM, and to participate in  other Patriot Week activities. Click here for Patriots’ Week information. Runners are encouraged to wear Patriots or  Battle of Trenton themed costumes. $25 Registration Fee, $15 Under 14 Race t-shirt for those that register by  December 20th.

10am-2pm Blood Drive: Masonic Temple Front & Barrack St.  Mercer Lodge Number 50, F. & A.M. will  conduct a blood drive. For blood donation, the paramount concern is safety of  the donor and of the recipient. Prior to donation, each donor receives 13  different tests, including blood pressure, pulse rate, temperature and iron  content; none of which are for drugs or alcohol. People who are on blood  thinners cannot donate.  The minimum age for donors is 16 years of age  with a parents consent.  At 17 no parental consent is required.   Donors above the age of 75 cannot donate blood unless they have donated  previously.

10am-3pm Masonic Temple Tours: Front & Barrack St. on a  you haven’t been inside the Masonic   Temple on Barracks,  here’s your chance! Walls and arches of Botticino marble, a floor of Travertine  marble with brass insets with Masonic symbols, an allegorical painting of  Justice, Fortitude, Prudence and Temperance. And that’s just the foyer! Free  Admission. Tours  at the top of every hour

10am-5pm Old Barracks Museum Tours: 101  Barrack St.  Visit the historic Old Barracks museum, where the soldiers  fighting during the Revolutionary War called home.  Every 30 minutes the Crossroads  of the American Revolution National Heritage Area will screen the films “New Jersey – Crossroads of the American Revolution:  Footsteps, Fort Lee, Washington Crossing, Wintering in Morristown and the Battle of Monmouth.”  At the top of every hour the film “Ten Crucial  Days” will be featured. 10am – Mustering in of the troops & preparation for  battle. Old Barracks tours available. Admission fee: $5/adult, children free,  Old Barracks Association members free admission.

10am-12pm Cemetery Stroll: Meet at St. Michael’s Church 140 N. Warren St. Join with re-enactors from First Presbyterian Church, St. Michael’s  Episcopal Church and the Quaker Meeting House as they take a journey through  their historic cemeteries.  Hear the stories first hand by the permanent  residents of these sacred spaces.  Please  reserve your spot by calling 609-777-1770

11am 1st  Battle of Trenton: Reenactment  begins at the Battle   Monument. Follow the  action from the symbolic first cannon shot fired at the current site of the Battle Monument,  down Warren Street  to Front Street  to a final skirmish on the field located   djacent to the Old   Barracks Museum  on Barrack Street.  In just a few hours on the day after  Christmas, the rebel forces-exhausted, dressed in rags, ill from the cold and  lack of sleep and decent food-had accomplished the impossible by inflicting a  crippling blow to the world’s greatest army.  Free  Admission

3pm-4pm 2nd Battle of Trenton: Reenactment begins at the First Presbyterian  Church 120 East State St. After a commemorative ceremony at First  Presbyterian Church, the battle  commences  on East State Street,  moving south on  Broad Street to Lafayette Street  and  proceeds to the field adjacent to the Old Barracks Museum on Barrack Street  where  the scene of much of the action  for the Old Barracks-orchestrated reenactment of the Second Battle of Trenton  transpires.  Three times British General  Charles Cornwallis ordered his men to take control of the Assunpink Creek   Bridge, and three times  they failed.  Soon after, the American  troops escaped by back roads toward Princeton.  Years later, Cornwallis conceded that he lost  the war when Washington gave him the slip in Trenton. Free Admission

5pm-6pm Vigil Against Violence Quaker  Meeting House 142 East Hanover  Brinthe restaurant isg in the New Year sharing concerns  against Violence. Free Admission

From → Patriots Week

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